zzzw | South Dakota Plains op playlist Roots Radio Blueprint RTV1 zondag 14 januari

Gekiekt met de iPhone 17-08-2012 (10.54). Custer State Park, ten zuiden van Keystone, South Dakota

Every Sunday from 1 – 2 (3) hours PM (GMT+1)

Live internet streaming at www.rtveen.nl / https://rtveen.nl/programmering/blueprint/

South Dakota Plains (Meyerjon)

1 Prairie wind through Big Bluestem
And clouds drifting bye
Morning dew on corn fields
A warm sun in the sky
Now I've got what I wanted
Followed an ancient trail
Just standing here and watching
South Dakota plains

2 Harney Peak, on top of the world
Black Hills tell no lie
Of Buffalo that wandered
And spirits of times gone by
Now I've got what I wanted
And old dream been for filled
Just standing here and watching
South Dakota Hills

3 Lake Poinsett smells so sweet
A cool breeze on the waves
In the distance sounds of Bluejay's
A cottonwood that shades
Now I've got what I wanted
It gets to me where ever I go
Just standing here and watching
South Dakota's Big Mo

4 On gravel roads I travel
Leaving a cloud of dust behind
Sliding through the country side
Meeting people that are kind
Now I've got what I wanted
Like brought to me on a plate
Just riding along and enjoying
South Dakota State

5 At night under Flandreau's sky
Seven sisters shine so bright
At morning dawn coyotes call
Crickets sing through the night
Now I've got what I wanted
Followed an ancient trail
Just standing here and watching
South Dakota plains

Playlist 847 / January 14
Emily Herring Gliding Gliding 30 Eight Records / www.emilyherring.net / www.hemifran.com
Emily Herring Right Behind Her Gliding 30 Eight Records / www.emilyherring.net / www.hemifran.com
Tyler Childers Tattoos Purgatory Thirty Tigers / Hickman Holler Records / Bertus / https://tylerchildersmusic.com/
Frank Bang & The Cook County Kings Can’t Go On This Way The Blues Don’t Care Blue Hoss Records / http://www.frankbang.net/frankbang/
The Cash Box Kings I’m Gonna Get My Baby Royal Mint Alligator Records / Munich / www.cashboxkings.com
Rick Shea & The Losin’ End Goodbye Alberta The Town Where I Live Tres Pescadores Records / https://www.rickshea.com/ www.gpromopr.com
Jimmy Bakker Black Furred Magic Queen Bridges To The Heart http://jimmyb.nl/
Big Daddy Wilson He’ll Make A Way Neckbone Stew Ruf Records / Munich / www.bigdaddywilson.com
Chris Stapleton Tryin’ To Untangle My Mind From A Room: Volume 2 Mercury Records Nashville / www.chrisstapleton.com
Rachel Grubb I Won’t Lie Twists & Tangles www.rachelgrubbmusic.com
Jon Meyerjon South Dakota Plains The Doggoners Blues Out http://www.jonmeyerjon.com/
Jim Byrnes The Shape I’m In Long Hot Summer Days Black Hen Music / www.jamestbyrnes.com / www.gpromopr.com
Buffalo Killers Applehead Creek Alive and Well In Ohio Alive Natural Sound Records / V2 / http://www.buffalokillers.com / www.klandermanpromotion.com
16-08-2012 (13.25), Black Hills, South Dakota. Op weg naar Harney Peak (sinds 2016 nu officieel hernoemd naar zijn oude Indiaanse naam Black Elk Peak)